PET-3361 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pentose, Dietary Fiber, Glycerol

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27 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Out of that 60%, 2/3 of it is intracellular fluid (icf) and 1/3 is extracellular (ecf), and breaking the efc down further is. 80% interstitial (between cells) and 20% composes the plasma: water has many essential functions, such as thermal heat capacity, many reactions, lubrication, transport, and an ionization medium for electrolytes. Basically any question involving the function of water is (cid:862)all of the above(cid:863). If you want to look at the content is the tissues, the skin, organs, blood, and muscle (the most content) all are 75% or more water. Adipose is only 10% water, unless the person is really really really fat: under normal conditions, water intake is around 2500ml and is mostly from ingested liquid. In exercising conditions, intake is obviously greater at. 5000ml and is from an increases ingested liquid (water from food is the same).