HUN-1201 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nutrient, Manganese, Hydrogenation

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What are the tools used to assist in designing a healthful diet: eat in moderation, eat a variety of foods, consume the right proportion of each recommended food group, personalize their eating plan, increase their physical activity, set goals for gradually improving their food choices and life style. Tef: energy expended to digest/ process food and is about 5 10% of the energy content of a meal energy cost of physical activity: the energy that is expended on body movement and muscular work above basal levels and is 15 30% of the total daily energy output of a meal: metabolic syndrome: is a clustering of risk factors that increase the risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke including abdominal obesity, higher than normal triglyceride levels (greater than or equal to 150mg), lower than normal hdl cholesterol levels, and higher than normal blood pressure (greater than or equal to 130/85 mmhg)