HUN-1201 Study Guide - Final Guide: Vitamin B6, Dietary Supplement, Tachycardia

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1: dietary supplements are important and aid the body when trying to a obtain all necessary nutrients. Nutrients have many uses in the body and aid in many chemical bodily functions. Depending on many factors such as the location in which you live or simply your eating preferences, dietary supplements aid and prevent deficiency. For example, a woman who is anemic takes supplements to fulfill her bodily iron requirements. If she does not receive these supplements she will experience deficiency symptoms such as fatigue, depressed immune function, and impaired memory. However, there are circumstances in which dietary supplements can become dangerous. Many supplements contain strong ingredients that can harm the body or cause several side effects. Additionally, too much of a particular nutrient can be toxic to the body. Consuming too much supplements can also harm the body. For example, if you were to consume too much zinc you can experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and a tachycardia.