INR 2002 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Non-Aligned Movement, Warsaw Pact, Class Conflict

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Education of the population, and strength of the scientific and. Technological: anarchy in the international system refers to lack of a central government that can. Storability theory: internationalist are those who favor united states leadership and activities in world affairs, working through international institutions to achieve foreign policy goals is the preference of. Treaty of westphalia: realists believe that power and dominance are the most important factors in. International relations: a security dilemma occurs when there is a deployment of military forces" prime. Announced it would no longer allow inspections of its nuclear. Facilities by other states: the current constellation of power in the international system could best be described as a multipolar. It implies that actors are able to perform at a. Cost-benefit analysis calculating the cost inquired by a possible. Action and the benefits it is likely to bring: realists believe that states are the least important actors in ir.