ENC 2135 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Ethnocentrism, Filipino Americans, Endogamy

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Ethnic groups are distinguished from others on the basis of socially deemed important cultural traits religion, diet, language, etc. Racial groups refers to people who share a set of similar physical characteristics deemed to be socially important. Racial and ethnic groups receive and give di erent treatments from and to their counterparts. Race and ethnicity very across-space and over time. Sex is biological distinctions - female or male. Gender is cultural distinctions - feminine or masculine. Identities that received di erential treatment relative to counterparts. Sex refers to biology-based trails while gender refers to socially-created identities. Gender is a social construct; is relative to space and over time. Within each racial and ethnic group, socialization varies by gender. Refers to the meanings of labels and behavioral patterns assigned to people according to the society in which they live. Socialization the process through which individuals learn the ways of society.