GLY-2010C Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cosmic Background Radiation, Continental Crust, Plate Tectonics

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If there is no way to prove a hypothesis or theory wrong, it is not testable within the framework of the scientific method, and therefore is not science: discuss the difference between science and pseudoscience. Geology - interactions between solid earth, the oceans, atmosphere, and living organisms. env science, geochemistry, geophysics- to understand how planetary processes work: name one sub-discipline within geology. 13. 8 billion: what is the big bang, and what are the primary data sets that support this idea? the universe was full of neutrons, protons, electrons, etc. in an extremely hot environment. As it expanded it got cooler and less dense. Afterwards there was an immense amount of radiation. Formation of galaxies and cosmos: mass was able to collect together to form starts, etc. Cosmic background radiation: when the universe cooled down to become transparent to electromagnetic radiation. An explosion by a supernova disturbed a cloud of gas and dust in space.