CCJ 4938r Study Guide - Final Guide: Rare Disease, Liver Disease, Exhalation

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Hallucinogens that are chemically similar to serotonin: examples: lsd, psilocybin, morning glory seeds, dmt, & harmine. Hallucinogens that are chemically similar to norepinephrine: examples: mescaline & dom. Hallucinogens that are chemically similar to acetylcholine: examples: atropine, scopolamine, hyoscyamine, & ibotenic acide. Miscellaneous hallucinogens: pcp, ketamine, and salvia divinorum. Lsd is considered one of the most, if not the most, powerful psychoactive drugs known. Its potency is so great that effective dose levels have to be expressed in terms of micrograms (one millionths of a gram): the typical street dose ranges from 50 to 150 micrograms. The effective dose can be as small as 10 micrograms, with only one-hundredth of a percent being absorbed into the brain: aspirin contains 325,000 micrograms of aspirin. Taken orally, lsd is absorbed into the bloodstream and the brain and its effects begin to be felt within 30 to 60 minutes. Within 5 to 12 hours, lsd effects are over.