CHD 2220- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 19 pages long!)

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Document Summary

The average newborn weighs 7 pounds and measures about 20 inches from head to. In the first five months the birth-weight typically doubles (to 15 lbs) and triples by 1st. The rate of growth tapers off from the first to the second year. babies tend to grow in. Parents must gain in muscle strength with the increasing weight of the baby and some spurts, rather than progression suffer from the physical strain. Prenatally as well as during early childhood, the torso develops prior to the arms and legs, and the arms and legs develop prior to the hands and fingers. To ensure safety, you must take a collective set of precautions known as. Light sockets must be covered by protective caps, stairs, and dropoffs blocked by secure. Childproofing gates and dangerous objects (e. g. , knives and tools) or substances (e. g. , bleach and insecticides)