BSC 3016- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 30 pages long!)

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Phagocytosis is a method protozoans use to _____. obtain food. Sharks are heavier than water but achieve neutral buoyancy by means of a swim bladder. Jacobson"s organ is present in some ___ and detects _____. reptiles; odors. The centipedes are herbivorous, but the millipedes are active predators. Wing muscles of insects are termed indirect if they are attached to and move the wing itself. Unlike most invertebrate phyla, the nerve cord of chordates is single, tubular, and located ______ to the alimentary canal. dorsal. In both tunicates and cephalochordates, the ventral side of the pharynx contains a ciliated, mucus- secreting groove, the _____. endostyle. The ray-finned fishes belong to the class ___; whereas the lobe-finned fishes belong to the class ____. All of the following are characteristic of at least some amphibians except _____. a. a mostly bony skeleton b. a two-chambered heart c. a smooth, moist skin with many glands: ectothermy e. skin respiration a two-chambered heart.