SYG 2000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gross National Income, Medical Transcription, Core Countries

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Rich and poor: one measure of wealth of nation is per capita gross national income (gni). Total output of goods/services produced by residents of a country each. Global networks of power and influence: the core countries have the most power in the world economic system. Control and profit the most from the world system. Theories and global stratification: modernization theory, growth of countries stems from technological change, theory developed to explain why some countries achieved economic growth and why others had not, economic development is how traditional societies become complex/differentiated. Dependency theory: poor countries" poverty is a direct result of their dependence on the wealthy countries, poverty of many countries is a result of exploitation by powerful countries for their raw materials and cheap labor. Consequences of global stratification: one of the biggest differences in rich and poor nations is population, the poorest countries have the highest birthrates and the highest death rates.