PSY 2012 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Hindsight Bias, Availability Heuristic, Representativeness Heuristic

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The personality trait of being thorough, careful, or vigilant. desire to do a task well. These people are efficient and organized as opposed to easy-going and disorderly. The combined simplicity and relevance of a categorization scheme or knowledge representation. (simplicity) Humans find different ways to save time and effort when negotiating the social world. Any mental activity or processing of information, including learning, remembering, perceiving, communicating, believing, and deciding. Cognition the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses; learning, understanding. Heuristic that involves judging the probability of an event by it"s superficial similarity to a prototype. Judging the probability of an event based on how prevalent that event has been in past experience. How common a characteristic or behavior is in the general population. Heuristic that involves estimating the likelihood of an occurrence based on the ease with which it comes to our minds.