PSY 2012 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Belief Perseverance, Confirmation Bias, Scientific Theory

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Document Summary

The scientific study of the mind, the brain, and behavior. Rungs on a ladder of analysis, with lower levels tied most closely to biological influences and higher levels tied most closely to social influences. T/f: to fully understand psychology, we must consider multiple levels of analysis. Variations among people in their thinking, emotion, personality, and behavior. The fact that we mutually influence each other"s behavior. Believe that we see the world precisely as it is. A systematic approach to evidence; a set of attitudes and skills designed to prevent us from fooling ourselves. It is familiar to all of us; memory, learning, love, sleep and dreams, personality are all a part of our every day lives. Explanation for a large number of findings in the natural world. Tendency to seek out evidence that supports our hypotheses and deny, dismissed, or distort evidence that contradicts them. Tendency to stick to our initial believes even when evidence contradict them.