PCB 2061L Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Esophageal Hiatus, Esophagus, Malabsorption

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3 Aug 2017

Document Summary

Acts through calmodulin not troponin c as the calcium regulator to coordinate the myosin/actin filament binding. Defects in meissner"s plexus lead to what? malabsorption. *decreases the size of food particles to facilitate swallowing and to begin the digestive process. *the swallowing reflex is coordinated in the medulla (by cnix and cnx). 1- the nasopharynx closes and breathing is inhibited. 2- laryngeal muscles contract: glottis closes and larynx is elevated. 3- peristalsis begins in the pharynx, upper esophageal sphincter relaxes (to propel the food towards and into the esophagus). *starts at the level of c6 vertebra (cricoid cartilage) *passes through esophageal hiatus of diaphragm at the level of t10. (aorta at t12 and ivc at t8 levels pass through the diaphragm). Distal part of the esophagus may act as a ___________ preventing gastric acid to enter into the esophagus. sphincter. The cardia is where where esophagus enters the stomach.