OCB 1000 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Goose Barnacle, Sea Anemone, Intertidal Zone

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(intro) the amount of life on the ocean floor depends primarily on _________. the productivity of the surface layer above it. Benthic animals inhabiting the rocky intertidal environment consist mostly of _________. sessile animals, nektobenthos, and very few infauna. An important predator of mussel beds in the middle tide zone is the _________. sea star. Great abundances of benthic organisms are found beneath surface waters with high primary productivity. The vast majority of benthic species live on the continental shelf. Many benthic organisms spend the first part of their lives in the pelagic environment. What is another name for the brittle star? serpent star. They can detach their arms to avoid a predator. How long does it take for a brittle star to regrow an arm? a couple of weeks. In which region of the tidepools are kelp crabs most often found? lower intertidal. How large can kelp crabs get? about the size of a small dinner plate.