EXP 4204 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Jaime Lannister, Retinal Ganglion Cell, Absolute Threshold

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Quiz 1: in the aristotle illusion, to crossed fingers are touched by a pencil. We observe that: the school of thought claiming that we view the world in terms of general patterns and well- organized structures rather than separable individual elements is: Gestalt psychology: which of these is not a law of gestalt psychology, the registering pf a physical stimulus on our. Sensation sensory receptors if referred to as: our subjective experience of perception can be. Phenomenology defined as: the approach to perception that claims that. Activity of a single cell in a mammalian brain. Specifying the computational processes that underlie human perception. Transducing the presence of airborne chemicals into a neural signal. The nature of color vision and whether perception involves unconscious inferences. The view that three nerve fibers are responsible for color vision. Turning the sensory input into meaningful conscious experience. A just-notifiable difference between two stimuli is related to the magnitude or strength of the stimuli.