EUH 2011 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Beer Hall Putsch, Arthur De Gobineau, Erich Ludendorff

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16 Aug 2017

Document Summary

In the middle ages thejews were frequently accused of desecrating the host, an accusation equal in gravity to that of desecrating relics and images of jesus and the saints. Blood libel jews need blood of christians- saint hugh- christian blood for matzah for passover. Russian- every easter for centuries- they go on a rampage and beat up the local jewish community. Jewish emancipation jews were freed from the fuedal system (weapons and land) can partiscate in whatever they would like to do. Social darwinism the theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals. was used to justify political conservatism, imperialism, and racism and to discourage intervention and reform. Comte de gobineau history is a race war- class as human groups who were class as races. These people who are not scientist, they say there is a hierarchy of races. Tivoli program mainstream anti semitism in german political discourse.