AMH 2020 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Victory In Europe Day, Acute Radiation Syndrome, Military Alliance

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German field marshal noted for brilliant generalship in north africa during world war ii (1891- Known as the desert fox. lead all german forces in africa pushed the british into the sea. World war 2 battle in which britain won a decisive victory over germany in egypt and secured the suez canal. Naval battle between japan and the us which halted the japanese movement towards. Australia, but resulted in heavy losses for the us. Stalingrad between invading german forces and soviet defenders for stalingrad a city on the volga river. Each side sustained thousands of casualties and germany"s defeat marked a turning point in the war. The invasion of western europe by us, britain, and france in 1944. Took pressure off of the russians and divided the germans. He was the u. s. general who led the attack in north africa in nov. of 1942. he was the master organizer of the d-day invasion in europe (june 6, 1944).