BSC 1085C Study Guide - Final Guide: Brachial Plexus, Axillary Nerve, Brachial Artery

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4 Aug 2020

Document Summary

A summary review for the aao-written exam no. Important note: (use this only as a general guide but do not forget to study all the ue muscles, nerves, brachial plexus, arteries and common pathological injuries we reviewed in class) Claw the posterior cord to innervate the latissimus dorsi hand deformity: signs and symptoms and nerves involved: claw hand: loss of intrinsic muscle due to ulnar nerve damage. Interclavicular ligament: located on top of the manubrium, connecting the superior sternal ends of the clavicles: limit the amount of clavicular depression. This nerve is commonly considered part of the median nerve: muscles innervates flexor pollicis longus, pronator quadratus, radial (lateral) half of the flexor digitorum profundus, posterior interosseous nerves root comes from c7 and c8. Must be accompany extension of the shoulder joint: how would you strengthen posterior scapular muscles (e. g trapezius-upper.