WST 2608 Study Guide - Final Guide: Compulsory Heterosexuality, Androcentrism, Heterosexuality

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Document Summary

Seeks to fill in gaps and provide a fuller understanding of history. Studies what gender means in certain social (cultural) contexts. It provides an understanding of women"s diverse contributions to society, focuses on the consequence of sex as a social construct, the importance of gender and gender roles. Putting men at the center and relegating women to outsiders in society. The way society organizes understandings of sexual difference. One having both male and female sexual characteristics and organs. First concerned with suffrage and focused on white middle class women. Then came the sexual revolution and title ix. Now the women"s movement is concerned with issues of poverty, violence, pornography, health, and hiv aids. How has the status of women changed since 1970? gender wage gap has narrowed, more women in education, Common myths about feminism feminists are angry, no sense of humor, they exaggerate discrimination, want to be men, they are all lesbians, they reject motherhood and femininity.