PSY 1012 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Information Processor, Mental Chronometry, Mental Model

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Our perceptual system describes and elaborates information, which is represented in the brain in ways that allow us to make decisions, formulate plans, and guide our actions. Mechanisms for receiving information, representing it with symbols, and manipulating it. Measuring how long a cognitive process takes. Measures interval between stimulus presentation and person"s response to stimulus. Participant pushes a button quickly after a light appear. Participant pushes one button if light is on right side, another if light is on left side. Categories of objects, events, or ideas that have common properties. Some members are better examples of it than others. A member of a natural concept that possesses all or most of its characteristic features. Schema generalizations that we develop about categories of objects, places, events, and people. Script a schema that describes how a series of actions should unfold. Representations of sensory experiences that are stored in memory and can be retrieved for use.