PCB 4043- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 113 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Generalizations about a species life history traits can still be made but must consider _______ Traits are an individual characters, or part of a strategy. Is an overall patterns at the species level. Phenotypic plasticity may result in continuous growth ranges, or morphotypes. When a single genotype produces several distinct morphotypes. Example: omnivore and carnivore tadpoles in arizona pond. The differential growth of body parts, resulting in differences in shape or proportion. Genetic variation, heritable variation, and differential reproductive fitness, meaning the characteristic has to have some influence on reproductive success. Natural selection causes populations to diverge over time. Occur too rarely for evolution to take place. Only provides raw material for other 3 mechanisms of evolution and variation. The production of offspring that have combinations of alleles that differ from those of their parents. Natural selection is the only process that consistently results in adaptive evolution. Natural selection can be categorized into 3 types: