CPO 4042 Study Guide - Final Guide: Lower House, Basic Law For The Federal Republic Of Germany, Alevism

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1 Jul 2016

Document Summary

Where was it established and when? refers to the 17 autonomous communities in spain in 1978/aka late 70"s. Autonomous means that each of these autonomous communities has its own executive power, its own legislative power and its own judicial. These are similar, but not the same, to states in the united states of america, for exampleestablished in spain"s 1978 constitution. Lower house: chamber of deputies and senate (upper house). Elected by chamber of deputies, senate, and reprsentive of regions. Iii. primer minister (the president of the council/cabinet. )-nominated by president,chosen by majority of parliament,runs day-to-day affairs, nominates members of cabinets. Iv. chamber of deputies-630 members,proportional representation (with bonus) (617)+ 1 (aosta valley),foreign constituencies (12),5 year term, but flexible. Vii, judiciary- constitutional council, appointment (15 judges) not for life. And other 5 by lower courts(administrative court): how does the spanish political system operate? (pres/parliamentary, power balance between the institutions, etc) c. legislature- parliment-chamber of deputies (350),june 26, 2016,2.