CLP 4314 Study Guide - Final Guide: Moral Treatment, Theory Of Reasoned Action, The Retreat

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2 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Health psychology study of understanding psychological influences on how people stay healthy, why they become ill, and how they respond when they do get ill health. 3. ) the identification of the causes of health, illness, & dysfunction. 4. ) the analysis & improvement of the health care system bidirectional relationship health psychology looks at the interplay between psychology and physical health: 1. ) the effects of psychological health on psychological functioning. 2. ) the effects of psychological events on physical health stone age beliefs about illness assumption that you were possessed by evil spirits. Taking sharp tools and puncturing the skull (trepidation) As far as 10,000 years ago holes were found in the skull. Proof of survival middles ages beliefs about illness assumption that it was god"s punishment. Person"s fault for doing something wrong black death (1347) victims believed that it was due to sin cure: inflict pain on oneself four elements both planets and body made up four elements.