CHM 1025- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 45 pages long!)

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5 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Study guide common names historical names, not based on systematic rules diatomic elements. S8, p4 polyatomic elements parents what cations are named after. Ide ending for anions ionic compound anion and cation. Ate suffix with more o than -ite per- 1 oxygen from -ite root inorganic ion made with 3+ elements acids often begin with h oxyacids. Ate to -ic, -ite to -ous, modifications for naming oxyacids. 1 how many more oxygen atoms an -ic acid has than an -ous acid. Measurement of how close a result comes to the true value. Measure of the agreement between 2 or more measurements that are averaged to give reported value. Quantity that changes in response to changes of independent variable. The quantity under control that determines the value of other variables. Determined by the chemical changes the substance can undergo. Has some intensive properties throughout and cannot be separated into 2 or more substances. A material composed of two or more substances.