BSC 2086 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Louis Leon Thurstone, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory, Dystonia

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Document Summary

Clinical psychology: application of principles of behavioral science to evaluate the treatment of psychological disorders. Treatment profession is about 50-70 years old. Psychiatrist: medical specialty devoted to treating mental disorders. William tuke (1732-1822) england: 1796 york retreat residential treatment center for the humane mentally ill, moral therapy 1800"s dignity, giving responsibilities, high rate of bipolar disorder among quakers. Phillipe pinel (1745-1826) france: case history life history of the person, suspended for being liberal (hospital: saltpietriere) Eli todd (1762-1832: 1791 opened small pox inoculation, 1824 retreat, democratic treatment model meetings. Lightner witmer (1867-1956: academic psychology, scientific and mental testing movement, 1896 opened psychology clinic, 1907 the psychology clinic (journal, term clinical psychology (distinct from medicine and psychiatry) 1892 formation of the american psychological association. 1919 apa established a section for clinical psychology. Wwi mental testing: trail-making test. 1949 boulden model phd scientist practitioner model. 1973 new orientation practitioner scholar model psyd. Managed care: insurance companies cover health care treatments.