[SAG 285] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 45 pages long Study Guide!

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Author"s note: in the sag 285 lectures we will be modeling commander shepard"s helmet from. This was what i chose to model for my final project in sag 285. These notes will help you become more proficient in 3ds max. Two side views of the helmet, a front view, and a back view. Before we do anything, we need to set up our workspace. In the customize tab, scroll down to preferences. Under general, change the scene undo levels to 500. This will allow you to undo any changes up to five hundred times. Under files, make sure (cid:494)increment on save(cid:495) is selected. Secondly, we need to set up our reference images. To do this, select the plane tool from the. At this point, it does not matter what the size is, it just needs to be centered on the origin of the project grid.