PSYC 218 Study Guide - Final Guide: Proprioception, Ingroups And Outgroups, Mental Model

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23 Sep 2015

Document Summary

Five levels of social connectedness in early development. Mirroring: face-to-face engagement, imitation, automatic stimulation, age: birth. What factors would you need to control for: global arousal v. imitation, parental bias, rater/coder bias, order effect of imitation events. Get in the infants face and stick out your tongue. More likely to stick out tongue if the experimenter stuck his tongue out. More likely to protrude lips if experimenter protrudes his lips. If he opened his mouth, then the infants were more likely to open their mouth as well. An innate human ability to imitate would be strong evidence that speci c knowledge can be inherited because imitation is only possible if a lot of knowledge is already in place. The actions that are imitated need inbuilt knowledge: 1. How to coordinate your body to ful ll a goal: 2. Speci c action capabilities of each of those parts, separately and in various combinations and how to execute the different actions: 3.