PSYC 218 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Temporal Lobe, Joint Attention, Premotor Cortex

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24 Jun 2015

Document Summary

Predetermined epigenesis: view that there is a one-way casual pathway from genes to proteins to brain to cognition: this idea of a genetic blueprint. Probabilistic epigenesis: two-way interactions through all levels of: opposite of predetermined epigenesis. Pet scans: used to study transitions in behavioral development in. Erp: use sensitive electrodes on the scalp surface to measure the electrical activity of the brain generated as groups of neurons fire synchronously. Fmri: allows the noninvasive measurement of cerebral blood flow with the prospect of millimeter spatial resolution and temporal resolution in the order of seconds. The world has a lot of influence on the child. The volume of the brain quadruples from prenatal development to adulthood: more synapses and neural connections. In parts of the visual cortex, the generation of synapses begins around time of birth: peak is at the end of the first year. Frontal cortex: peak occurs at around 2 years.