NBB 302 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Visual Search, Receptive Field

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1. understand the origins and contributions of phrenology - spurzheim. Phrenology character could be divided through palpating the skull. The precursor to the development of the localizationist view of the brain. Originated from the idea that damage to the brain could influence behavior. Also came from the idea that when you used one part of the brain more than the other, that part of the brain would grow. 2. describe the "aggregate field theory" of brain function and its origin - flourens. Aggregate field theory idea that the whole brain participated in behavior; localization fell apart here because it"s not specific to one area of the brain. Origin was from when flourens was instructed to destroy parts of brains and then figure out what they represented. Opposite of cytoarchitectonics findings (different regions have different types of cells. 3. understand the historical human clinical studies that support a localizationist view of brain function.