POL 111 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Natural-Born-Citizen Clause, Brownlow Committee, Transact

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Changing the presidency: 1800s presidents typically assumed a small role, did not play a big role in domestic policy, accomplishments limited to responses to war and other crises. Institutional presidency: as an organization, the presidency began modestly, washington used his secretary of state, thomas jefferson, to help him with correspondence, by the early 1800s, the number of staff working in and around the white. House was less than a dozen: when fdr became president, there were about 50 staff members, maintenance, switchboard, and mailroom duties. Supreme court: the supreme court"s effectiveness rests on delegation on its success in persuading the lower federal judiciary to implement its policies. Judicial recruitment: constitution gives the president the power to appoint all federal judges with the (cid:498)advice and consent(cid:499) of the senate, senatorial courtesy the president defers to the senators from the. Supreme court: oral arguments, no witnesses, 30 minutes for each side.