PSYC 1000 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Circadian Rhythm, Positive Psychology, Psy

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Wakefulness the degree of alertness reflecting whether a person is awake or asleep. Coma a state of consciousness in which the eyes are closed and the person is unresponsive and unarousable. During which stage are sleep spindles seen on an. Theta waves a pattern of brain activity during stage 1 sleep; s lower, lower energy waves than alpha waves. To help with metabolic cleanup in the brain. 3 biologically based dimensions of consciousness activation, input, and mode. The difference between dreaming and wakefulness is where the activation of brain activity comes from (external when awake; internal when in rem). Activated brain areas in rem include awareness, eye movements, instincts, vestibular sensation (body in space), memory consolidation, and emotions. Synthetically produced compounds that produce long lasting excitation of the sympathetic system (keeps is ready for action). Raise heart rate, increase motivation, and elevate mood: definition of hallucinogens.