ANTHR-140 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cultural Imperialism, Biological Anthropology, Acculturation

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People from different cultural groups have different beliefs, practices, norms, etc. When people from different groups interact, they may rely on conflicting ideologies and behavioural norms. Cultural imperialism the spread of one culture at the expense of others; the imposition of one culture on another. Traditionally, the culture with the stronger military spreads. Acculturation cultural change as the result of contact between groups. Westernization the spread of western (west european) culture is one example of cultural imperialism. Indigenization the process by which borrowed cultural practices are modified to fit into a local culture. Cultural essentialism reducing a complex, diverse culture to a simple set of table, homogeneous traits. But when a more powerful group essentializes a less powerful group, this can be part of an overarching imperialist project. Example representation of africa in american media. It is portrayed as homogeneous, desolate, war-torn, impoverished, wild; jungle or desert. Colonialism long-term political and economic domination of a territory by a foreign power.