NEUROSCI 101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Dentate Gyrus, Behavioral Enrichment, Spatial Navigation

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In rodents : especially in dentate gyrus of hippocampus, olfactory bulbs, and ventricular zone (lining of 3rd ventricle, new: neocortex, striatum, amygdala, and more. Dentate gyrus input region, lots of info received from cortex. Adult hippocampal neurogenesis progenitor cells proliferation mature cells progenitor (stem cell zone), migrate into dentate gyrus, mature into adult neurons express different proteins at different stages of development: enables tagging and identification of stage. Positive, increased effect: environmental enrichment, voluntary exercise, hippocampal-dependent learning (pattern separation, antidepressant drugs. Negative, detrimental effect etc. : aging, psychological stress (chronic states, depression, sleep deprivation (stress-inducing) Ambiguity when positive and negative aspects coincide: environmental poverty (decreased cell proliferation, decreased iq as one ages, Pattern separation: neuronal level: differences in population of neurons activated from one event to another, behavioral level: ability to discriminate between events. Young dg neurons are more excitable (lower threshold to fire action potential, more likely to exhibit plastic changes)