AAAS 190FS Study Guide - Final Guide: Pilonidal Cyst, Spina Bifida, Pyramidal Cell

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Focus fall 2015 cognitive neuroscience and law: language, lesions, and loss . Questions from human brain coloring book: identify the major lobes and at least one function for each. Frontal contains motor cortex and speech production (broca"s area: higher level functions like planning, prediction, speech articulation. Temporal hearing, language comprehension: transforms visual word forms to sounds; relates to sensations of pain, temperature, auditory cortex, integration of multiple sensory functions (like auditory, visual & touch) Parietal includes sensory cortex, touch & pressure: describe the main components of the cns and pns. Cns (central nervous system) brain, spinal chord. Pns (peripheral nervous system) nerves, ganglion: terms of direction: Top of brain: cranial, superior, dorsal . Near brain stem/ spinal cord: caudal . Coronal loaf of bread, vertical slices from ear to ear. Axial hamburger, horizontal slices from ear to ear. Sagittal hot dog, vertical slices down the midline through nose: identify main types of neuroglia and how they differ from neurons.