STS 350 Midterm: STS 350 EXAM 1

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70 objective questions, 5 short answer essays all on paper! The pearson product moment correlation ranges from -1 to +1. If (cid:455)ou get a p (cid:448)alue after ru(cid:374)(cid:374)i(cid:374)g the test that"s less tha(cid:374) . 0(cid:1009) the(cid:374) it"s sig(cid:374)ifi(cid:272)a(cid:374)t between means!! This is for means: p value for homogeneity of variance tests (you want p to be larger than . 05 because the variances will not be different between the groups) this is for variance. Means you can explain any variance because you accounted for it in the model!: because there is no variance among groups and between different people, effect size: how much one variable affects another. Someone collects data during a study (or experiment) and infers information from their sample using descriptive statistics (the mean and variance). If you have 2 groups (exercise and diet) you would get 3 f values (1 for exercise, 1 for diet, 1 for the interaction effect)