[ANAT 102] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (231 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Ipsilateral: same side (ex: injury on arm and have movement on the same side) Monosynaptic: neuronal communication- 2 neurons in a series (one following another. One neuron giving synapse and one receiving it) Polysynaptic: multiple synapses in a circuit - diverging (at least 3 neurons in there) Reciprocal innervation: when one neuron doubles back and stimulates the presynaptic neuron (continues to self stimulate in a circle/loop) Reflex arc: series of events that occurs when you start at a sensory receptor, send signal to sensory circuit - has 5 steps: Afferent sensory neuron: sending signal to spinal column. Integration center: process of the signal in the grey matter of the spinal cord (decision making area) Efferent motor neurons: sends information from spinal cord (grey matter) to a muscle. Spinal cord serves as the integration center for spinal reflexes. Protection against overextending muscle so if a muscle is overextended, the stretch reflex is triggered.