ENGR 10610 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Metamorphic Facies, Phanerozoic, Plate Tectonics

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3: new minerals are formed, and/or old minerals recrystallized, foliation is common (layering) folding may also be visible, name is based on parent rock and intensity of pressure and temperature during formation. Types of rock from regional metamorphism: if the parent is shale or mudstone: Slate microscopic grains; breaks into large, flat sheets. Phyllite microscopic grains, but larger than slate; breaks on irregular surfaces with a distinctive sheen. Schist visible, platey grains; breaks easily on irregular surfaces. Gneiss visible grains; contains alternating layers of different minerals. Types of rock associated with particular types of metamorphism: migmatite (if the temperature gets high enough to partially melt the rock, mylonite (fault zone metamorphism, hornfels (contact metamorphism, if the parent is any fine-grained rock) Metamorphic facies- a set of mineral assemblages in metamorphic rocks formed under similar pressures and temperatures. Physical conditions on the earth interact with biological communities to create different types of ecosystems called biomes.