IPHY 2420 Study Guide - Final Guide: Urinary Incontinence, Red Meat, Mental Disorder

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Essential: means that your body can"t make it so you need to get it in your diet. Nutrients: the chemicals in foods that are critical to human growth and function, 6 groups of essential nutrients found in foods. Macronutrients: vs micronutrients (provide energy (do not provide energy calories) calories: carbs - vitamins, fats - minerals, proteins. Adequate diet: provides enough energy, nutrients, fiber and vitamins and minerals to support a person"s health, a diet adequate in many nutrients can still be adequate in a few nutrients. Moderate diet: a diet of moderation contains the right amounts of foods for maintaining proper balance. Balanced diet: the right combinations of foods to provide the proper balance of nutrients. Varied diet: eating many different types of foods each day, a healthful diet is not based on only one or a few types of foods. Nutrient dense foods: foods that provide the most nutrients for the fewest calories.