[IPHY 2420] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 74 pages long Study Guide!

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Document Summary

Essential: means that your body can"t make it so you need to get it in your diet. The chemicals in foods that are critical to human growth and function. 6 groups of essential nutrients found in foods. Macronutrients: vs micronutrients (provide energy (do not provide energy calories) calories) Amount of energy required to raise the temp of 1 kg of water by 1 degree celcis. On food labels calorie refers to kilocalories. Prior to publication in reputable scientific journals, articles undergo peer review. Experiments must be repeated to confirm or disprove the findings. Whether the date of the website is recent. Internet address: . org . edu and . org are generally considered reliable. Medical doctors with appropriate expertise in nutrition. Professional organizations publish cutting-edge nutrition research and information, including. Provides enough energy, nutrients, fiber and vitamins and minerals to support a person"s. A diet adequate in many nutrients can still be adequate in a few nutrients.