[POSC 100] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 15 pages long Study Guide!

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Final term list: gentrification: the act of displacing a group of people, particularly poor people, from their neighborhood by revitalizing the community to attract the affluent people and middle class people. There is a difference between revitalizing a neighborhood and gentrifying it. Revitalization refers to neighborhood change and improvement, which usually involves the aid of the people within the community; however, the neighborhood remains affordable for low income families. (see #11) Example: in lecture, we watched the film on gentrification, where neighborhoods consist of african american people are removed either through eviction or by increasing the amount of rent to purposely make the tenants move, also known as direct displacement. Ellis act evictions are usually used to convert multi-unit buildings into large single family homes. An example of this is when someone from south america comes to the u. s. by making stops in other countries first.