ANTH 110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Enculturation, Scantron Corporation, Social Evolution

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Quiz date is given on syllabus (the answer is written in red) feel free to fill out any empty space or add on to any answers! Lectures: holistic approach: entire culture and how it influences your work. Does not focus on a single aspect of being human- encompasses physical anthro, archeology, linguistics, and cultural/social anthro. These all contribute different aspects to the understanding of humans in the past and present. Ethnocentrism: thinking one"s culture is better than the others and judging them on your own cultural standard. Focus : functionalism: radcliffe-brown: the importance of the joking-relationship in africa: the son- in-law cannot talk back to his mother-in-law (even if she criticizes/mocks him). To ease of the tension, and to maintain a family structure, the son-in-law can make a joke about his mother-in-law (she will then have to go with the joke). This also helps society as a whole because the family stays together.