PSYC 481 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Consumer Reports, Reaction Formation, Abraham Maslow

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24 Jan 2018

Document Summary

Intelligence is plural abilities that may not relate to each other: different intelligence levels, hierarchal models, blend singular and plural theories. Intelligence test: measures intellectual abilities, stanford binet, wisc, what a person can accomplish intellectually, achievement tests, measures accomplishments in academic areas, what a person has accomplished. Spearman"s g: for general (single) intelligence, one big bucket of intelligence. Neuropsychological measures: measure cognitive functioning or impairment of the brain and its specific components or structures, usually given to adults, rey-osterrieth complex figure test (rocft, drawing task. Includes a memory component (recall) and just a single complex figure. Bender-gestalt-ii: bender visual-motor gestalt test (bvmgt, most commonly used neuropsychological screen among clinical psychologists, copy 9 geometric designs, can suggest brain damage in a diffuse, but not specific way. Personality measures: no measure measure of personality or behavior is perfect. Mcmi-iii (millon clinical multiaxial inventory: specific for personality disorders, self-report.