[PSYC 362] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (18 pages long!)

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6 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Normal process that occurs in everyone with the passage of time abnormal processes that do not occur in everyone (pathological aging) Acute - short-term illnesses often the result of viral or bacterial infections; usually curable or run their course. ex. influenza, tuberculosis. Chronic - long-term illnesses developing over time; usually incurable. ex. cancer, cardiovascular disease, alzheimer"s, parkinson"s. Psychological and social factors are also often contributing causes. type of illness that is the main contributor to disability and death. We are repeatedly seeing the top two types of chronic conditions in the us being hypertension and arthritis. Chronically high blood pressure (systolic and diastolic pressure) Kidney abnormality, structural abnormality of aorta, narrowing of certain arteries. Effects increases risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. Treatments lose weight, exercise, avoid excessive alcohol, stop smoking, manage stress, improve diet, medication, monitor oral contraceptive use.