PSYC 331 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cognitive Distortion, Reaction Formation, Factor Analysis

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16 May 2018
Final Exam Study Guide
Chap. 1
Define personality personality is a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique
characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person’s behavior at a given
States thoughts and behavior at a given moment
Traits individual differences
Characteristics unique qualities
Why multiple theories? Personal backgrounds, unique ways of looking at the world
Criteria of a useful theory generates other research, is falisifiable, can confirm or deny info,
organizes integrates already known info into its own theory, guides action, internally consistent
must use consistent language to be easy to follow, parsimonius equal and simple explanations
Chap. 2
The importance of anxiety: realistic anxiety- fear, moral anxiety- shame/guilt, neurotic anxiety-
being overwhelmed by id impulses
Defense mechanisms defend the ego from guilt and anxiety, excessive use is unhealthy
Denial: involves blocking external events from awareness
Rationalization: the cognitive distortion of facts
Projection: see unacceptance in others
Reaction formation: changing an unacceptance impulse into its opposite
Regression: movement back in psychological time
repression: not being able to recall a threatening event or person
displacement: the redirection of an impulse onto a substitute target
Psychosexual stages of development:
oral: 0 to 1 year, mouth, shortest stage
anal: 1 to 3 years, anus
phallic: 3 to 5 years, genital, Oedipal/Electra complex
latency: 6 to 13 years, no major problems
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genital: 13 to adulthood, completion of development
Goal of therapy/therapeutic techniques:
relaxed atmosphere: client must feel comfortable to express anything
free association: talking about anything allowing unconscious to flow out
resistance: change of subject mark as important
dream analysis: symbols in dreams are meaningful in life
transference: client projects feeling toward the therapist
parapraxes: Freudian slip, clues to the unconcious
Chap. 3
Levels of the psyche
Conscious: images recognized by the ego
Personal conscious: experiences, things we are aware of, both difficult/easily graspable
Collective conscious: inherit experiences from ancestors
Persona public
Animus masculine aspect in female
Anima feminine aspect in male
Shadow dark side
Self our independent idea of perfection, wholeness, balance
Great mother represents two opposing forces
Wise old man knowing
Hero fighter
Stages of personality development:
Middle life
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