HESC 321 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Central Nervous System, Methamphetamine, Gateway Drug Theory

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19 Jan 2017

Document Summary

There are 4 factors that affect how people perceive drugs. Illicit drugs are illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and lsd. Examples of gateway drugs are alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana: alcohol (also called ethanol or grain alcohol) is a depressant. Chronic use may lead to high blood pressure, arrhythmia, and cirrhosis (severe liver deterioration): anabolic steroids are typically used to enhance muscle size and strength. It allows higher levels of water retention: the highest concentration of drug users are those who did not complete high school (11. 1%). Biracials followed by american indians have the highest percentage. Males 12yrs old and older are more likely than women to take drugs. Unemployed people: percentage use of nicotine: 62. 8 (161. 7 million) americans used cigarettes in their lifetime, there are three types of drug users. They vary according to their general approach or orientation, frequency of use, and amount of drugs they consume.