CRJU 300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: National Crime Victimization Survey, Motor Vehicle Theft, Uniform Crime Reports

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26 Sep 2017

Document Summary

Criminal justice 300 exam 1 chapters 1-4: lecture guide. What is crime: cannot define crime as harm to others because not all harmful acts are punishable. It"s more of a wrong against society that has been codified into law. It saves money, flexible, customization, gets people to help. The criminal justice system: system: interacting parts that work together to achieve a goal, goals of the cj system: 1. secure justice. Protect society: federal/state system, law enforcement: investigation -> arrest, courts: file charges -> sentencing, corrections: community based -> prison/jails. No complaining victims can"t go to the cops to say you over payed for drugs: organized crime. Informal: parents, teachers, family, community, etc: trait theories: crime is rooted in biology or psychology, atavism: Learn their values people come to you for drugs : 2. Rationalization: you"re helping your family we"ve been friends : 3.