PLS 201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Oligarchy, Due Process, Symbolic Speech

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Midterm Examination Study Guide
What is government and its roles?
Types of governments:
Democracy: Ruled by the people
Monarchy: Ruled by a monarch (king/queen)
Constitutional - Power is restrained by a parliament, law, or custom
ig. Great Britain
Absolute - Unrestricted political power over sovereign state and its people
ig. Saudi Arabia
Theocracy: Ruled by religious figures in the name of God
ig. Iran or Saudi Arabia
Not Vatican because not recognized
Oligarchy: Ruled by a group of elite
ig. ex-Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Venezuela
Autocracy: Ruled by 1 person with absolute power
ig. China, North Korea, Iran, etc
Anarchy: Absence or nonrecognition of authority
ig. Somalia, entire world
What types of democracies: Representative and Direct do we see in the U.S?
Elected intermediary between people and the law.
ig. Federal
Power in individual. No intermediaries.
ig. Local/state
Power of initiative (ballot measures)
Signatures need to have voted in last gov. Election
Need 5% of these voters
Referendum: Have 90 days to challenge passed law
Recall: Vote to remove elected official from office via petition
How to determine the health of a democracy?
Freedoms and other characteristics of the political system
Politics, gender, economy, knowledge, health, environment
Performance of non-political dimensions
Gender, economy, knowledge, health, environment
Freedom House: measures freedom of expression & goal increase civil liberties
What are Civil Liberties?
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the government cannot abridge, either
by law or by judicial interpretation without due process
Explain the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Amendments
1st Congress shall make no law respecting a religious establishment, prohibit
freedom of religion, speech, press, not the right to peacefully assemble and
petition the government for redress of grievances
Protected Expression
Unprotected Expression
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Document Summary

Midterm examination study guide: what is government and its roles, definition, types of governments, democracy: ruled by the people, monarchy: ruled by a monarch (king/queen, constitutional - power is restrained by a parliament, law, or custom ig. Great britain: absolute - unrestricted political power over sovereign state and its people ig. Saudi arabia: theocracy: ruled by religious figures in the name of god ig. Iran or saudi arabia: not vatican because not recognized, oligarchy: ruled by a group of elite ig. ex-soviet union, china, north korea, venezuela, autocracy: ruled by 1 person with absolute power ig. China, north korea, iran, etc: anarchy: absence or nonrecognition of authority ig. Somalia, entire world: what types of democracies: representative and direct do we see in the u. s, representative, elected intermediary between people and the law. ig. Local/state: power of initiative (ballot measures, signatures need to have voted in last gov. Unprotected expression: clear and present danger, fire in theater, us espionage act 1918.