PSYCH 1101- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 42 pages long!)

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Psychology relies upon the scientific method being used to study the thoughts, feeling, and behavior of the human mind. Dualism: the belief that mental processes are different than physical processes (disconnect between hardware and software) Dualism creates dissonance in understanding the true links between the brain"s activity and the mind. Proof against dualism: brain damage causes damage to the mind (psychological functions such as language, etc) Certain parts of the brain are active for specific psychological functions to occur. Examples: seeing words (occipital lobe), and hearing word (temporal lobe. Certain drugs reliably alter our psychological state (affect behavior and cognition) Sensory (afferent) neurons carry signals from sensory cells to the central nervous system. Motor (efferent) neurons carry signals from the central nervous system to muscles. All-or-nothing response: either they fire and send a signal or they do not. Intensity of response is proportional to the number of neurons firing.