PSYC W2670- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 93 pages long!)

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Development of self and knowledge about others: more than just theory of mind. Individual self: what personal characteristics make me unique: e. g. knowledge that i am my own person, relational self: what are my relationship connections to others, e. g. Collective self: what group do i belong to: e. g. racial & ethnic identity. If the(cid:455) do, the(cid:455) (cid:396)e(cid:272)og(cid:374)ize it(cid:859)s the(cid:373)sel(cid:448)es i(cid:374) the mirror. 17-22 months begin passing the mirror test. Prior to 12 months, children look behind the mirror for the other individual: recognition in mirror = recognition of self as an individual. You can describe your attributes and that gives you a sense of who you are as an individual. Lack of coherence in self-descriptions as children unable to compartmentalize representations of self: ex: i like pizza, i like to swim, i watch tv, i can count, i run fast.