[SOC 105] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 44 pages long Study Guide!

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Social issues: political debates involving moral judgements. Social problems: societal induced conditions that harm any segment of the population; also related to acts and conditions that violate the norms and values found in society. Social movement: organized effort to encourage or discourage social change. Social policy: formal strategy to shape some aspect of social life. Social problems linked to bad people considered abnormal due to mental deficiency or disorder, no education, or incomplete socialization. Conditions in society foster social problems: investigated the process of migration, urbanization, and industrialization. Deviance occurs when people recognize people"s goals, but don"t have sufficient means to achieve those goals. Society creates and sustains deviance through labeling people abnormal. Social problems dependent on time and audience. The process of choosing or identifying a social problem to study in the first place is subjective. Bias manifests through feeling and values, which can determine what we study.